Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I Must Be CRAZY....

 I'm at the stage in my life where I'm almost done being a full time parent and I can't help but have some mixed feelings and emotions about it. I have one in college, a high school senior, and a seventh grader....and I swear my house is the ocean and everyone in it are like passing ships. Ok...I'll admit that I have "tunnel vision" I will be completely kid free in 5 years and I have my eyes on the prize. Now while that should be music to my ears....I can't help but feel like I want to stop it, pause it...or simply turn it off!! hahaha...I know, I know, you all are probabley saying "Girl Get A Grip" and your right....I must be crazy...but for 19 years they have been my life so now my question is....What's Next? LOL

Til we meet again ~ Tash Nycole