Saturday, October 9, 2010

Do You Know Your Worth....

I have been out on my own since I was 16 years old and I must say it has had its pros' and cons'. Not only was I a teenage mother but by the age of 17 I had two children. And throughout my life I had to set goals and expectations for myself that only I could achieve. Yes, at times those goals were pushed back and set aside, but the main point is that you remember them and keep your eyes on the prize. Today I look at my life as something you would see on TV (but without the fame), my house hold is very fast paced but at the same time everyone is self sufficient and focused. I can't help but look back to how exactly we got here and more importantly how do we maintain it, then it hits me....every year I grow in some sort of way. I might change my hair color, make it longer...YES I said make it longer (LOL), get a new car, or even lose weight and in some cases even friends. My point being that I believe that if a person cannot elevate themselves into something greater each year...then they are doing themselves a disservice!

When I say "Do you know your worth" I mean do you know how valuable you are to yourself NOT the one's around you...ya see in order for YOU to be the best YOU...YOU must put YOU first!! It took me a long time to realize that, and when I put everything into perspective. I'm not saying put others needs aside or be selfish, but what I am saying is, in order for YOU to know how much YOU mean to others...YOU first must know how much YOU mean to yourself. More times than none do we place others needs above our own, whether its our children, significant other, family or friends...and in some cases even the people at work, were ALL guilty of doing it. Again....I'm not saying DO NOT care about others feelings or concerns, I'm just saying YOU also need to take into consideration the things YOU do and what you bring to the table. For instance; you have those where one person may go out and make the money...but the other half makes sure that the kids are clean, homework is done, and a hot meal on the table, then there is whats known as the SHARED roles, and we all know what that is. Or you may have the person who plays both roles and does it any case in order for any success to be made everyone must play their position and ultimately...."Know Your Worth". Although I have worn many shoes in my lifetime, I think I've found the perfect again I ask....Do you know yours?? Because I know mine...and knowing is half the battle!

P.S....Count how many times I used the word "YOU"....are things more clearer now? Don't worry...YOU can thank me later ;-)

1 comment:

  1. YES! I love this! This was speaking right to me!! Keep em comin :-))
