Sunday, October 24, 2010


Some of you may see this word and instantly think....what the hell is she talking about. Well as some of you may already know, either from being within my circle or reading one of my previous blogs that I suffer from Fibromyalgia disorder. And during the past two years RELAXING has not been in my vocabulary nor apart of my day-to-day life. To give you an example; imagine walking around feeling as if  you were being bear hugged by five bears, and your shoulders looked as if you were saying (I don't know) all day 24/7!! With that being said, I have not only had to learn how to relax all over again, but it forced me to put things into perspective and learn how to appreciate the little things that we all are guilty of taking for granted. Now I'm not saying that if you don't relax that you'll end up being like me....but what I am saying is that, we need to take more time out for ourselves...have some ME time incorporated into our oh so busy schedules.

While this disorder has placed a road block in my life...I will not be defeated nor minimized by it. I believe that everything happens for a reason....and anyone who knows me knows that I was a train wreak waiting to happen. I have always lived a very fast paced lifestyle, and now I'm being forced to slow down and...RELAX! By doing so I finally have the chance to get to know me ME a little better, and I must say that I simply LOVE it! Now don't get me wrong...there are a lot of things that I'll never get to do again that once was a very huge part of my existence..and yes, it pisses me off to no end. But getting upset and crying about it means I loose, and that's simply not an option...All I'm saying is that there are things, people, and situations in life are are simply beyond our control. But what we do have complete control over is our reactions, and emotions. I tell my children to "Never Let'em Bring You Out Of Your Hook-Up". And the first step to accomplishing this is learning how to RELAX.....  

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